The Day I met Jess... Judge Her those without sin.
This tale is a bit naughty, so be fore warned. 20-30s somethings travelling the world, single looking for fun and happiness and adventure things do tend to happen.
This is a rough draft: Still needs to be edited and tweaked. I usually tell a short version but this is the full version.
Here is a tale about a girl name Jess. I still remember the first day I met jess. Indirectly you see, I had spent the day either rafting, hiking or abusing myself in some strange and adventurously way. I'd gotten back to the hot rocks Backpacker joint in rotorua, in the central part of the north Island of New Zealand. Straight outside the front doors of this backpackers, is the lava bar. A cash cow and a place to have a yarn and a drink with only walking 8feet from ya place of stay. Had a lot of fun there.. Got to live life but, I digress.
It was about 8pm, I climb the steps of the lava bar and entered. I scanned the bar, looking for friends. Seeing them in the far corner of the bar. As I took a few steps towards their direction, something caught my attention. In the corner of my left eye. Something strange, out of place.. almost bizzare. I couldn't make out what it was, something flicking, waving. I looked over and there was this 6 foot tall blonde, very good looking, very blue eyes, passionately kissing or should that be licking and sucking a guys face off, of course he was in kind, returning the favour back to her. I said R-i-g-h-t and headed over to my friends, shaking my head and laughing.
Couple of hours go by, It happen to be my turn to buy a round of drinks. As I was waiting in line at the bar, I suddenly realize the guy in front of me, was the very guy, kissing the attractive blonde. I tap him on the shoulder and tell him, " umm, you've done well for youself mate. I take it, you guys ain't boyfriend and girlfriend?" He nods, "yea just met her" I nod with approval, " So where did you guys meet and how long ago?" He turns to me and tells me, they met on the kiwi experience bus and spent couple hours talking on the way here. I said "most impressive, where is she now and what the fuck are you doing standing here then?" he was buying her a drink and he started to point in her direction. As we both turned and looked to the very spot he was pointing. Stunningly there she was sucking face with another guy. I turned to him, looked him in the eyes and said, "Whats that all about then?" He said, "Well, I'm not buying her a drink" and walked off. bemused by this, I bought my round of drinks and walked off too fill in my travel friends.
Another hour passes by and this time I'm coming back from the dunny, the restroom, the place you let the dragon breath. You got it, right? Anyway, there she was again, she stood out like dogs balls in that place. Tall, slim attractive and apparently not affraid to show some effection. This time with a 3rd guy. I shook my head and said to myself, that is how you make friends!! Thats what I'm doing wrong!!! I should just start sticking my tongue down the back of people throats!! It works for her.. why not me?? Why not me.. Laughing and looking back at her a few times I made my way back to our corner of the bar to pass the flow of information on to my very drunk group of travel mates.
Skipping ahead, the bar closed at 3-4 in the morning we all too pissed and dazzed to pay attention what, who or where anything was happening and we all made our way back to our room and passed out. We'd been all travelling independantly but now we booked entire rooms out together.
Normally what happen, our german friend anna, who was staying in a large 8 bunk dorm room. Would come knocking on our door around 8-9am the morning to tell us, how she had a great night with her kiwi raft guide boyfriend and make us all moan from our hangovers. But not this day, I thought this was weird and at the god aweful hour of 1030 am. I dragged my hung over arse out of bed and up to her level, room 35 or 36 from memory and banged on the door.
Thinking, if shes a sleep, I will have my vengance in waking her up and stirring the crap out of her.. I hope she likes it! As these very thoughts were passing through my mind, the door opens. Standing in front of me in a very small towel wrapped around her was the girl from the bar. The very blonde, who'd been kissing half the bar. I looked up and down and locked with her very blue eyes. "Umm" I stammered.. "errr,hmm, Oh is my friend sleeping in the bunk to the top right fro m you?" The blonde said, "yes she is, come in and talk to her if you want?" "No, I'll let you get dressed. I give you 10mins or so" "No, I'm fine, its ok." she said. We haggled for a bit, then finally I gave in.. (about 8mins) I walked into the 8 bedroom dorm. I woke anna and we started talking. The blonde slumped down on the bottom bunk behind me. As attractive as she was, I paid her little attention as I was focused on shit stirring anna to hell and back again.
But given time, I began to spread my focus and verbal assault on both anna and this blonde english girl. How could I resist? I had so much ammo on her. I had to lay into her about the night before. We exchange verbal jousts, I learnt she could verbally dance with me. which I liked, She had brains and looks. Anna didn't seem to like her much and as more of the story started to come out, gave disapproving looks too the blonde english girl...
This is a rough draft: Still needs to be edited and tweaked. I usually tell a short version but this is the full version.
Here is a tale about a girl name Jess. I still remember the first day I met jess. Indirectly you see, I had spent the day either rafting, hiking or abusing myself in some strange and adventurously way. I'd gotten back to the hot rocks Backpacker joint in rotorua, in the central part of the north Island of New Zealand. Straight outside the front doors of this backpackers, is the lava bar. A cash cow and a place to have a yarn and a drink with only walking 8feet from ya place of stay. Had a lot of fun there.. Got to live life but, I digress.
It was about 8pm, I climb the steps of the lava bar and entered. I scanned the bar, looking for friends. Seeing them in the far corner of the bar. As I took a few steps towards their direction, something caught my attention. In the corner of my left eye. Something strange, out of place.. almost bizzare. I couldn't make out what it was, something flicking, waving. I looked over and there was this 6 foot tall blonde, very good looking, very blue eyes, passionately kissing or should that be licking and sucking a guys face off, of course he was in kind, returning the favour back to her. I said R-i-g-h-t and headed over to my friends, shaking my head and laughing.
Couple of hours go by, It happen to be my turn to buy a round of drinks. As I was waiting in line at the bar, I suddenly realize the guy in front of me, was the very guy, kissing the attractive blonde. I tap him on the shoulder and tell him, " umm, you've done well for youself mate. I take it, you guys ain't boyfriend and girlfriend?" He nods, "yea just met her" I nod with approval, " So where did you guys meet and how long ago?" He turns to me and tells me, they met on the kiwi experience bus and spent couple hours talking on the way here. I said "most impressive, where is she now and what the fuck are you doing standing here then?" he was buying her a drink and he started to point in her direction. As we both turned and looked to the very spot he was pointing. Stunningly there she was sucking face with another guy. I turned to him, looked him in the eyes and said, "Whats that all about then?" He said, "Well, I'm not buying her a drink" and walked off. bemused by this, I bought my round of drinks and walked off too fill in my travel friends.
Another hour passes by and this time I'm coming back from the dunny, the restroom, the place you let the dragon breath. You got it, right? Anyway, there she was again, she stood out like dogs balls in that place. Tall, slim attractive and apparently not affraid to show some effection. This time with a 3rd guy. I shook my head and said to myself, that is how you make friends!! Thats what I'm doing wrong!!! I should just start sticking my tongue down the back of people throats!! It works for her.. why not me?? Why not me.. Laughing and looking back at her a few times I made my way back to our corner of the bar to pass the flow of information on to my very drunk group of travel mates.
Skipping ahead, the bar closed at 3-4 in the morning we all too pissed and dazzed to pay attention what, who or where anything was happening and we all made our way back to our room and passed out. We'd been all travelling independantly but now we booked entire rooms out together.
Normally what happen, our german friend anna, who was staying in a large 8 bunk dorm room. Would come knocking on our door around 8-9am the morning to tell us, how she had a great night with her kiwi raft guide boyfriend and make us all moan from our hangovers. But not this day, I thought this was weird and at the god aweful hour of 1030 am. I dragged my hung over arse out of bed and up to her level, room 35 or 36 from memory and banged on the door.
Thinking, if shes a sleep, I will have my vengance in waking her up and stirring the crap out of her.. I hope she likes it! As these very thoughts were passing through my mind, the door opens. Standing in front of me in a very small towel wrapped around her was the girl from the bar. The very blonde, who'd been kissing half the bar. I looked up and down and locked with her very blue eyes. "Umm" I stammered.. "errr,hmm, Oh is my friend sleeping in the bunk to the top right fro m you?" The blonde said, "yes she is, come in and talk to her if you want?" "No, I'll let you get dressed. I give you 10mins or so" "No, I'm fine, its ok." she said. We haggled for a bit, then finally I gave in.. (about 8mins) I walked into the 8 bedroom dorm. I woke anna and we started talking. The blonde slumped down on the bottom bunk behind me. As attractive as she was, I paid her little attention as I was focused on shit stirring anna to hell and back again.
But given time, I began to spread my focus and verbal assault on both anna and this blonde english girl. How could I resist? I had so much ammo on her. I had to lay into her about the night before. We exchange verbal jousts, I learnt she could verbally dance with me. which I liked, She had brains and looks. Anna didn't seem to like her much and as more of the story started to come out, gave disapproving looks too the blonde english girl...
After a few rounds of shit stirring, the blonde asked for my name. I told her, I wasn't going to give it to her. I was playing with her, seeing how interested she was. She laughed and demanded it, I said give me yours and I might think about it. She told me her name was jess. I said nice to met you jess. Turned my back on her and started to talk to anna about the weather and ignore her for about 1-2mins. I slowly turned around and in a deep voice said, I'm Dean. Nice to meet you, oh woman of kissing 58 men in the lava bar. She laughed, it wasn't that much! I shook my head, " I think it was more, we ran out of fingers and got to drunk to keep count properly woman!"
I've always verbally told this story, I don't think I've ever put it into words before, I usually tell them better in a verbal context. Because, it is how I remember my stories. I tell them almost exactly how they happen word for word. Then this is were things changed suddenly. I asked her, "so what happen last night then, explain yourself!" Jess was laying back on the bed by this time. In her little towel, which just covered her breasts and just went passed her hips. As she laid back, I could see more then I really needed to see at this point of time. Though I did pause for 30seconds before telling her, I refer to it as "I could tell what she had for breakfeast if you know what I mean?" I informed her, she shrugged her shoulders and told me, I'd most likely seen a pussy before. I said yes, yes.. I have. But I think you'd not want to show off your goods? I turned to anna, whos face was not giving positive feedback to jess at all.
Then as Anna and myself were busy pulling weird faces to each other, jess asked me, did I think she was arrogant? I looked straight at her and said, "Well seeing how we go back many years and are such old and great friends, no jess. No I don't, but continue on" She began to tel us that last night she was trying to work out if the guy kissing her like her? I started to laugh looking all around. I told her, well the fact he had his tongue down ya throat and all over your face, I think there was a good chance he did sorta fancy you. She said, does this make me sound arrogant? I said no not at all.. Well, you see Dean, I think I'm pretty good looking, I've got a great body and tits and legs, she looked up at me. I simply said "Right, keep going, Im not arguing with you here".
Jess continued on, that she kept asking the guy, was he trying to pull her. I said pull you? She told me, fuck her. I said Right-right... right! And?? Well, he wouldn't give me an answer. I said " hmm sounds a bit weird, but carry on" We got back to the dorm room and I kept asking him. He still wouldn't give me an answer. I said, "oh you guys were all in the same 8 bed dorm room?" She nodded and then said well I kepted asking. He jumped up into his top bunk while his best mate was sleeping in the bottom bunk below him. "He's best mate? Maybe he was just shy jess?" Thinking thats where the story ended. (later on we found out the 2 guys had known each other since they were 8, both of them were now 25) I was thinking what a crazy story, when she then said these next words. So, I asked his best mate would he fuck me? I quickly Turn to her and said "You did what?" laughing and double looking at anna. Jess said exactly the same thing again and I said what happen next? Well this guy said yea and so jess and the guy started to have sex.
Laughing I asked jess, "so after all that, you turn around ask this guys best mate and he said yea and you both started having sex? Where did you do this? In the rest room inside the dorm room here or down the hall?" Jess shook her head. "No we did it in my bed right here." "You started to have sex in a dorm room full of 8 people, in front of the guy, you've been asking all night was he trying to fuck you, but now with his best mate?" "Ok... I Muttered.. and whats the point of having sex in a dorm room full of 8 people and keeping quiet while having sex, talk about ruining the experience" I laughed, shaking my head looking at anna and back to jess. She simply said, we were not quiet. Well that shut me up. I turned to anna and we started talking for a bit.. Jess seem to fade into the background for a few mins. As I started to talk more to anna about all this.. These words brought me back into the real world. Jess then said out aloud " then things got weird"
As those words rang through my head, I said out aloud, How the hell does having sex in a dorm room full of 8 people suddenly get weird? She had my full attention now. Anna was but a mere distraction. I focused in and leaned in closer to jess who by this time had closed her legs. "Plz explained,... continue" I muttered. I waited to hear the next words from jess's mouth. " Well he started to kiss me" jess said with a strange look on her face. " I felt I was in an xfile or twilight zone show... I looked around with a puzzled look on my face. "he started to kiss you?" "WTF!! Hows that weird?" I didn't want to be kissed!! I just wanted to be fucked! Jess fired back. I was a bit stunned at this. Not used to such an attractive woman speaking in a manner about sex and sexual needs so openly.
Coughing and momently dazzed, I looked at jess and like a bolt of lightning it struck me, what to say. " Well jess, You know what happen there then" No she said. He most likely missed the day at uni about having 8 people dorm room sex edict. See jess thats the problem, he would have known, he could only fuck you and not kiss you." I rolled my eyes! Good lord.. I had jess laughing and this seem to keep her quiet. I turned to anna and turn my back on jess. Myself and anna got on talking for for about 10-15mins, tops. Thinking, well that story has to be over. Jess started to call my name and get my attention. I slowly turned around and said yes jess? "Dean, I've got a boyfriend at home, He's good looking, has a great job, car, etc.. Do you think I should tell him about this?" jess asked me. I was looking for The name tag on me that said Doctor Dean. "Umm jess, If I was you and from what you just told me, this guy sounds like a decent man, I wouldnt.. because I think he'd drop kick ya arse out the door asap! But then again I don't know you or him that well so its really up to you. But I'd save it for a rainy day for the future."
Sensing the story could not get any better. I turn to anna and jess, "Girls I think its time I go do a few things. I've been here for at least a couple of hours. But theres one last thing I'd like to say before I go. After hearing jess's story, I'm very horny, shes in a little towel, so do you 2 fancy a threesome? I laughed out aloud and said "no!! Don't answer!" " I'm going to have a cold bloody shower and go rafting. I leave you two to sort out your day".. Bye and walked off thinking, what a hell of a story.
The story doesn't quite end there. I know its long, but it still has one last part in my travel story through NZ. I was only in rotura for about 7 days, I left and travelled around the south island for another month or so. My very last weekend in New zealand, Thursday through to saturday. I spent my time at the globe bar in auckland. I had basicly told alot of people this story about jess. I hadn't seen her in 5-6 weeks. So I never ever thought I'd see her again! But I'd noticed this blonde always with 5-6 guys around her. She was always giving me these looks like she knew me.. I tried to jog my memory as I really, really, really wanted to know her too.. But she seem to have enough lap dogs keeping her going. Then on saturday night, I Bumped into her coming out of the restroom. We both grabbed at each other and said together.. I know you, who are you? I said I'm Dean and she was Jess.. She'd cut her hair, changed a few things. I said out aloud JESS?! half my friends looked over, I could see on their faces, this is THE jess! I grabbed her and quickly pulled her away from them.. we talked for awhile and she told me how things had been going etc. She told me I should come and join her group of friends.. I Said what the 5-6 guys surrounding you? She nodded. Nar I'm fine jess, I have my group of friends over here, so if you want to have some fun and a laugh you know where to find me. Enjoy ya fan club. As I was about to walk away, she started to mention something about a 12 bedroom dorm room somewhere in NZ.. I looked back and simply said, I don't want to know and walked off laughing and shaking my head.. Why me god, why?
Then as Anna and myself were busy pulling weird faces to each other, jess asked me, did I think she was arrogant? I looked straight at her and said, "Well seeing how we go back many years and are such old and great friends, no jess. No I don't, but continue on" She began to tel us that last night she was trying to work out if the guy kissing her like her? I started to laugh looking all around. I told her, well the fact he had his tongue down ya throat and all over your face, I think there was a good chance he did sorta fancy you. She said, does this make me sound arrogant? I said no not at all.. Well, you see Dean, I think I'm pretty good looking, I've got a great body and tits and legs, she looked up at me. I simply said "Right, keep going, Im not arguing with you here".
Jess continued on, that she kept asking the guy, was he trying to pull her. I said pull you? She told me, fuck her. I said Right-right... right! And?? Well, he wouldn't give me an answer. I said " hmm sounds a bit weird, but carry on" We got back to the dorm room and I kept asking him. He still wouldn't give me an answer. I said, "oh you guys were all in the same 8 bed dorm room?" She nodded and then said well I kepted asking. He jumped up into his top bunk while his best mate was sleeping in the bottom bunk below him. "He's best mate? Maybe he was just shy jess?" Thinking thats where the story ended. (later on we found out the 2 guys had known each other since they were 8, both of them were now 25) I was thinking what a crazy story, when she then said these next words. So, I asked his best mate would he fuck me? I quickly Turn to her and said "You did what?" laughing and double looking at anna. Jess said exactly the same thing again and I said what happen next? Well this guy said yea and so jess and the guy started to have sex.
Laughing I asked jess, "so after all that, you turn around ask this guys best mate and he said yea and you both started having sex? Where did you do this? In the rest room inside the dorm room here or down the hall?" Jess shook her head. "No we did it in my bed right here." "You started to have sex in a dorm room full of 8 people, in front of the guy, you've been asking all night was he trying to fuck you, but now with his best mate?" "Ok... I Muttered.. and whats the point of having sex in a dorm room full of 8 people and keeping quiet while having sex, talk about ruining the experience" I laughed, shaking my head looking at anna and back to jess. She simply said, we were not quiet. Well that shut me up. I turned to anna and we started talking for a bit.. Jess seem to fade into the background for a few mins. As I started to talk more to anna about all this.. These words brought me back into the real world. Jess then said out aloud " then things got weird"
As those words rang through my head, I said out aloud, How the hell does having sex in a dorm room full of 8 people suddenly get weird? She had my full attention now. Anna was but a mere distraction. I focused in and leaned in closer to jess who by this time had closed her legs. "Plz explained,... continue" I muttered. I waited to hear the next words from jess's mouth. " Well he started to kiss me" jess said with a strange look on her face. " I felt I was in an xfile or twilight zone show... I looked around with a puzzled look on my face. "he started to kiss you?" "WTF!! Hows that weird?" I didn't want to be kissed!! I just wanted to be fucked! Jess fired back. I was a bit stunned at this. Not used to such an attractive woman speaking in a manner about sex and sexual needs so openly.
Coughing and momently dazzed, I looked at jess and like a bolt of lightning it struck me, what to say. " Well jess, You know what happen there then" No she said. He most likely missed the day at uni about having 8 people dorm room sex edict. See jess thats the problem, he would have known, he could only fuck you and not kiss you." I rolled my eyes! Good lord.. I had jess laughing and this seem to keep her quiet. I turned to anna and turn my back on jess. Myself and anna got on talking for for about 10-15mins, tops. Thinking, well that story has to be over. Jess started to call my name and get my attention. I slowly turned around and said yes jess? "Dean, I've got a boyfriend at home, He's good looking, has a great job, car, etc.. Do you think I should tell him about this?" jess asked me. I was looking for The name tag on me that said Doctor Dean. "Umm jess, If I was you and from what you just told me, this guy sounds like a decent man, I wouldnt.. because I think he'd drop kick ya arse out the door asap! But then again I don't know you or him that well so its really up to you. But I'd save it for a rainy day for the future."
Sensing the story could not get any better. I turn to anna and jess, "Girls I think its time I go do a few things. I've been here for at least a couple of hours. But theres one last thing I'd like to say before I go. After hearing jess's story, I'm very horny, shes in a little towel, so do you 2 fancy a threesome? I laughed out aloud and said "no!! Don't answer!" " I'm going to have a cold bloody shower and go rafting. I leave you two to sort out your day".. Bye and walked off thinking, what a hell of a story.
The story doesn't quite end there. I know its long, but it still has one last part in my travel story through NZ. I was only in rotura for about 7 days, I left and travelled around the south island for another month or so. My very last weekend in New zealand, Thursday through to saturday. I spent my time at the globe bar in auckland. I had basicly told alot of people this story about jess. I hadn't seen her in 5-6 weeks. So I never ever thought I'd see her again! But I'd noticed this blonde always with 5-6 guys around her. She was always giving me these looks like she knew me.. I tried to jog my memory as I really, really, really wanted to know her too.. But she seem to have enough lap dogs keeping her going. Then on saturday night, I Bumped into her coming out of the restroom. We both grabbed at each other and said together.. I know you, who are you? I said I'm Dean and she was Jess.. She'd cut her hair, changed a few things. I said out aloud JESS?! half my friends looked over, I could see on their faces, this is THE jess! I grabbed her and quickly pulled her away from them.. we talked for awhile and she told me how things had been going etc. She told me I should come and join her group of friends.. I Said what the 5-6 guys surrounding you? She nodded. Nar I'm fine jess, I have my group of friends over here, so if you want to have some fun and a laugh you know where to find me. Enjoy ya fan club. As I was about to walk away, she started to mention something about a 12 bedroom dorm room somewhere in NZ.. I looked back and simply said, I don't want to know and walked off laughing and shaking my head.. Why me god, why?
At Thu Feb 17, 06:36:00 am AEST,
Zeke said…
Great story dood. In my imagination, if I was doing the world tour I would have had to try and tap that ass.
Then again, free isn't
Having some kind of standard is always a plus.
I enjoy reading all your experiences. If I can't have them, I can give a big hoorah and a thumbs up to one who is. Party on brother.
At Fri Feb 18, 10:36:00 am AEST,
KoalaFarmer said…
Zeke mate, She was in the top 10 of good looking woman I met over my course of travels. In the past 18months. I've met ahell of alot of people. But sometimes, just because the outside package is pretty it doesnt always mean you have to unwrap it. I like to get to know people abit. Its a life experience I've learnt from my past.
Trust me. What glitters isn't always golden. Jess didnt seem to fucked up.. but I was just happy enough to have chatted.
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